Welcome to the Flux Auto blog.
This site is dedicated to the future of automotive culture. The word “Flux” has two definitions. In physics, it refers to the flow of energy. It also stands for a constant state of change. The site is named Flux Auto because automotive culture is about to evolve with the adoption of electric and hybrid drive technologies. I want to ensure that people who genuinely love cars have a place in the future of the automotive industry. As the energy crisis grows and gas prices rise, society has begun pressuring the automotive enthusiast into extinction. Jeremy Clarkson explains it perfectly in this ad for Forza 4:
Is that really the future of the performance automobile? Some relic that is simulated in an Xbox? Can there be cars that are fun to drive, environmentally responsible and affordable? Currently no such car is being produced. However, we are gear heads. That means you and I are capable of building innovation in our garages with our own hands. That also means that when we talk about the problem of the car that we want not existing, we can add the word “yet” to the end of it. Affordable and fun cars that are also environmentally responsible do not exist YET, but we can build them. We build cars with souls because the bland transportation appliance isn’t for everyone. Cars with souls that are also responsible, that’s what Flux Auto is all about.
All of the content is organized by the categories on the right side of the main page. Mouse over them for their descriptions.
Just wanted to say thanks for posting a piece about our FRS vs. BRZ track comparison. We’re always thrilled when people find us and greatly appreciate when they share their discovery!
We are a small group, but we strive to create video reviews with quality equal or surpassing those with financial backing (YouTube, TV, whatever…).
You might be interested to know that we’re doing a huge roadtrip review of the FRS vs. some price competitors in the near future. Should be available by early September. And if you look around our site you might find some other reviews you enjoy.
Many thanks again,